This past year the executive board has worked to update the SIG Bylaws. This was long overdue and incorporated some significant changes. The new bylaws (see below) expand the executive board to include ‘elect’ positions for each member.

The new executive board includes the following:

  1. Chair
  2. Chair-Elect
  3. Immediate Past Chair
  4. Program Chair
  5. Program Chair-Elect
  6. Secretary
  7. Secretary-Elect
  8. Treasurer
  9. Treasurer-Elect

We have also added and updated the appointed positions to include:

  1. Graduate Student Faculty Advisor
  2. Web Manager
  3. Social Media Coordinator
  4. Graduate Student Representative

Position Descriptions:


The Chair shall be responsible for the general administration of the SIG, for ensuring that the SIG Bylaws are followed, and act as shall liaison between the SIG and AERA and the SIG and the SIG Executive Committee. The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the SIG’s Executive Committee and at the Annual Business Meeting. The Chair shall appoint ad hoc committees as needed. Unless otherwise specified in these Bylaws, the Chair of the SIG shall appoint persons to assist officers, to chair committees or to carry out other work of the SIG.


The Chair-Elect shall, in consultation with the Chair, manage and assist with meetings, and appoint ad hoc committees as needed. The Chair-Elect shall act as parliamentarian or shall appoint a SIG member to serve in that role for each meeting.

Program Chair

The Program Chair shall be responsible for managing the online review process for submissions, their acceptance or rejection, and for building the SIG’s program of sessions for each annual meeting, by following the timelines and requirements sent forward by AERA to its program chairs in the electronic system.

Program Chair-Elect

The Program Chair-Elect shall, in consultation with the Program Chair, assist in managing the online review process for submissions, their acceptance or rejection, and for building the SIG’s program of sessions for each annual meeting. The Program Chair-Elect will also attend the AERA submission review training workshop. The Program Chair-Elect will collect and store all relevant communications and documents pertaining to the office of Program Chair in the shared storage drive for the SIG.


The Secretary shall be responsible for developing agendas, recording minutes, and managing the SIG Bylaws.


The Secretary-Elect shall, in consultation with the Secretary, assist in developing agendas, recording minutes, and managing the SIG Bylaws. The Secretary-Elect will collect and store all relevant communications and documents pertaining to the office of Secretary in the shared storage drive for the SIG. The Secretary-Elect will develop and maintain an annual task schedule for the office of Secretary.


The Treasurer shall be responsible for managing and reporting on the financial accounts of the SIG and the safe keeping of all financial documents of the SIG. The Treasurer will also manage any expenses related to the SIG.


The Treasurer-Elect shall, in consultation with the Treasurer, assist in managing and reporting on the financial accounts of the SIG and the safe keeping of all financial documents of the SIG. The Treasurer-Elect will collect and store all relevant communications and documents pertaining to the office of Treasurer in the shared storage drive for the SIG. The Treasurer-Elect will develop and maintain an annual task schedule for the office of Treasurer.

Immediate Past Chair

The Immediate Past Chair will guide the onboarding of all new SIG officers. They will also make recommendations for subsequent changes to SIG policies and procedures.


Non-Officer Positions

Graduate Student Faculty Advisor. The Graduate Student Faculty Advisor will work with the Graduate Student Representative to lead efforts to recruit and support SIG graduate student members.
Web Manager. The Web Manager shall manage and maintain the content on the SIG’s website. This content shall include, but not be limited to, current officers, links to SIG social media, membership information, upcoming SIG events and meeting highlights. To keep the website current, monthly updates and reviews should be solicited from the leadership team.
Social Media Coordinator. The Social Media Coordinator will manage and maintain the content on the SIG’s social media accounts. This shall include, but not be limited to the SIG Facebook and Instagram accounts. Twice a month posting of items of interest to SIG membership are expected and can be solicited from the SIG leadership team.
Graduate Student Representative. The Graduate Student Representative will be a current graduate student who will lead efforts to recruit and support SIG graduate student members.